I listened to it, then again, then again, then again, then again... and then I checked the band on the internet and learned that it's almost completely unknown (their bandpage has 214 fans on facebook and around 50 views on their youtube vids)
That made me think about those amazing things which are hidden in this world. Because there must be a lot.
I'll share some I know.
Clown and Bard Hostel, Prague
It's hiding in a cellar, just a few minutes from Prague's city center. A bar and a hostel at the same time, with old furniture, lots and lots of mirrors, a blue haired barman/receptionist, freaking good music and the most fun travellers from every corner of the world.
Gustavo Aimar
He's my very favourite illustrator, but (at least in Hungary) nobody knows his name. Just take a look at his works, isn't he awesome?
Lying under the Eiffel tower
I guess most tourists in Paris cross under the Eiffel tower and then they probably admire it from that angle, but very few people know how different it looks if you lie down on the ground. It looks so robust, almost infinite.
This blog.
An abandoned blog, once had been written by a poetic 17-year-old girl. Beautiful things can be found there, not just personal stuff, but pictures, quotes and music. Only for those who speak Hungarian.