
amazing DAY 5!

Now that the last day is over and I can sleep in a proper bed with a proper blanket and proper pillows, I dream about SZIGET.

So here are some more festival moments of the amazing day 5!!

#7 RUBEN'S STORY. Ruben had his tent in our neighbourhood and he told me how they tried to make drunk people eat sand.

#8 At KILLERS waiting for the 'I got soul but I'm not a soldier' part. Before that a very long guitar solo was on, and the whole crowd was shouting it and fiiiinally Brandon Flower's beautiful voice crushed in. AAwh so fucking amazing!

#9 THAT SURREAL LAST NIGHT when I didnt go to sleep at all but
  • had a cigarette with Peter Pan (real name: Jeremy) in front of our tents
  • then our neighbour Lex and some random dutch guys came with a stolen bench and a table and they broke them into pieces (!!)
  • and I made a sandcastle (dirt-castle) with a flag on it,
  • and then we were lyring on the ruins and talking about love and shit til 6 am;
  • when a tiger and a penguin came and broke the pieces of the bench into even smaller pieces... and then took off their costumes and danced 'I'm sexy and I know it' by LMFAO. 


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