
SZIGET DAYS 2 and 3 and 4

SZIGET's been amazing!! the best week of summer, really.
Here are some real festival moments:

#1 At TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB (which we watched from the first row!!) somebody tried to throw a loaf of bread on the stage but he missed it... and the bread hit one of the security guards. All  the security people and audience in the first rows were laughing so hard...

#2 SHANTEL concert, which is balkan music mixed with electro.We had no idea what it was until our neighbours took us there. The best concert of the week, really. It was so shockingly fun that i cant remember anything of it.... just that we went mad! (weird but world music concerts were generally better than indie or rock concerts)

#3 MEETING DAVE AND JIMMY. Dave's a freak we met last year with his cow-shaped cap, Jimmy. On his arms there are thirty-something festival tickets (!!)  And his tent is not so far away from ours and even though he didnt recognise us first now he says hi all the time and calls us 'gorgeus' and 'beautiful'

#4 seeing CHARLIE FINK. Oooh my, what a beautiful creature! Either i will marry him or stay single forever.

#5 PRETENDING TO BE HIGH and jumping dancing like idiots when we are actually sober (or almost). So people stare at us and laugh. At Korn & The Horrors

#6 THE DUSTBIN-DRUMS. On day minus one there was a technical error and party places couldn't play music... And all along the main street of SZIGET people stood round the dustbins and drummed ritmically. It sounded like some mystic indian music, so much better than party places... 

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